2011年4月23日 星期六
2011年3月13日 星期日
LUG工法一直是義大利COLNAGO引以為傲,其堅固與剛性和Q度並存的性能令COLNAGO Fans津津樂道,台灣代工廠先進的碳纖維成型加工技術雖然幫了世界知名品牌的大忙!但是做出來的車架個性確是大同小異,如果不塗裝還很難分辨品牌個性,不過典型的COLNAGO一眼就可以看出是COLNAGO也嗅得出該有的原味,但是近年來CLONAGO也搭上這風潮推出一體成型車架產品,雖然沒有騎過不知還是否還保留COLNAGO性格,不過沒有了LUG還是有點不大習慣!
今日騎車北上台61線道一個知名的假日咖啡廳剛好在辦"哈雷機車"車友會!哈雷機車這個連一般美國人都覺得是昂貴休閒"玩具",沒想到小小的台灣有這麼多Fans & Owner ,可見台灣人的消費能力與品味!您可能會問我何不搞台來玩玩?NO NO NO ...一來沒有這個經濟能力二來沒有好身材可以騎這種車!只有純欣賞就好.
2011年3月2日 星期三
金屬 Road bike
身邊喜好 Road bike 的朋友間最近紛紛從金屬車架換騎碳纖維車架,大約一年前把COLNAGO Extreme-C賣掉並陸續添購了Cannondale CAAD9,Pegoretti Responsorium, Pegoretti Love#3 之後就再沒有購買碳纖維車架的想法!踩踏的節奏也慢慢的適應了路感較沉重的金屬車架,但是有個想法就是如果換騎高剛性兼具輕量化的碳纖維車架會讓人有更多的想像空間!不過近期之內還是當個"鋼鐵人".
In 2006 Pegoretti introduced the Love #3. As was the case with his steel frames in 2005, he showed Dedacciai tubing the door and in its place brought in Columbus aluminum, specifically their XLR8R scandium tubeset.
What's scandium? It's aluminium alloyed with zinc and magnesium, then "doped" (that's Columbus' superb phraseology) with scandium and zirconium. The addition of scandium and zirconium improve its weldability and its resistance to heat-induced fatigue. This results in a longer-lived frame since it minimizes the impact of the welding heat on the material -- a big plus since the very act of being welded is the biggest trauma most bikes ever experience.
Being aluminium, Dario considers the Love #3 to be a mercenary frameset of sorts -- it's a "pure race bike" that "50% of the people want, and 70% of them don't need." The tubing diameters are seriously big -- as though it took a cue from the Big Leg Emma, not from any of his previous aluminium frames. For example, the chainstays are a breathtaking 30mm in diameter -- a mere 5mm smaller than that of the BLE. When you jump on the Love #3 with serious power it won't flinch in the least, exactly like you'd expect for a race-specific frame.
When it comes to lightness, XLR8R scandium allows Pegoretti to shave substantial weight a size 54cm frame will come in at 1225g, about 2.7lbs. Another improvement in comparison to other aluminium frames. Columbus went to great extremes to maximize vibration elimination with XLR8R.
The Love # 3 is not Pegoretti's best all-purpose bike. That designation still goes to the Marcelo. But if the bulk of your riding is spent training and racing not "riding", then it's a bike you need to seriously consider. Conversely, if most of your riding is less power-oriented and more focused on endurance or simply cruising around, there's no reason not to go for a Marcelo or a Duende. The weight savings and the stiffness benefits ofthe Love #3 are of minimal consequence in those applications. )
(COLNAGO C59: C系列是COLNAGO 最著名的多用途車種,從C40開始到C50和現在的C59,為什麼不叫C60呢?據悉義大利人不怎麼喜歡60這個數字,朋友間已經有一台C59在路上奔馳,再過一陣子第二台C59將報到上路)
這個Love#3 的車架據信是 Dario Pegoretti 設定為"純競賽"用的車架,因為採用了向Columbus 特別訂製編號XLR8R 鈧合金管材的關係,所以是Pegoretti 車系中重量最輕的車架,後三角的設計極具侵略性,尤其是後下叉使用直徑高達3cm的管材製作而成,其剛性可想而知,如果有一雙勇腳應該是如魚得水的快樂!下次有時間再撰文Love#3 的騎乘感受,因為我也很久沒騎這台車了!
(Love #3
Dario Pegoretti has always been best known for his craftsmanship with steel and while his top-end steel frames such as the Big Leg Emma and the Marcelo are utterly race-worthy in any situation - pancake-flat terrain or a mountainous epic - he long ago chose to be responsive to the insatiable appetite for lightness in the marketplace. How? By applying an equally thoughtful approach to the manufacture of aluminium frames. In 2006 Pegoretti introduced the Love #3. As was the case with his steel frames in 2005, he showed Dedacciai tubing the door and in its place brought in Columbus aluminum, specifically their XLR8R scandium tubeset.
What's scandium? It's aluminium alloyed with zinc and magnesium, then "doped" (that's Columbus' superb phraseology) with scandium and zirconium. The addition of scandium and zirconium improve its weldability and its resistance to heat-induced fatigue. This results in a longer-lived frame since it minimizes the impact of the welding heat on the material -- a big plus since the very act of being welded is the biggest trauma most bikes ever experience.
Being aluminium, Dario considers the Love #3 to be a mercenary frameset of sorts -- it's a "pure race bike" that "50% of the people want, and 70% of them don't need." The tubing diameters are seriously big -- as though it took a cue from the Big Leg Emma, not from any of his previous aluminium frames. For example, the chainstays are a breathtaking 30mm in diameter -- a mere 5mm smaller than that of the BLE. When you jump on the Love #3 with serious power it won't flinch in the least, exactly like you'd expect for a race-specific frame.
When it comes to lightness, XLR8R scandium allows Pegoretti to shave substantial weight a size 54cm frame will come in at 1225g, about 2.7lbs. Another improvement in comparison to other aluminium frames. Columbus went to great extremes to maximize vibration elimination with XLR8R.
The Love # 3 is not Pegoretti's best all-purpose bike. That designation still goes to the Marcelo. But if the bulk of your riding is spent training and racing not "riding", then it's a bike you need to seriously consider. Conversely, if most of your riding is less power-oriented and more focused on endurance or simply cruising around, there's no reason not to go for a Marcelo or a Duende. The weight savings and the stiffness benefits ofthe Love #3 are of minimal consequence in those applications. )
2011年2月16日 星期三
2011年2月9日 星期三
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